Tag Archives: Alone

Awake and I Am Still With You

“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you.”– Psalms 139:17-18 (ESV)

Are not God’s thoughts far greater than our own? Are not his ways better than our own?

As I awoke this morning with a pounding migraine, I felt frustrated and alone, I found tears damed up in my tear ducks and ready

to overflow like the flooding of Jamestown, Ohio, but they came slowly, quietly like a refreshing mountain stream flowing from the cool cold rocks. I tried to forget my loneliness and pain in sleep only to wake minutes later to what sounded like a canon going of

in my head. Migraines are one of the most annoying inconveniences in life and only slightly worse is the empty nulling of loneliness.

In the garden of Eden God said, “It is not good for man to be alone”… I wonder if Adam woke with tears and migraines before Eve came along. I am sure Adam felt pain, I hate waking up alone and when I have someone to miss it is as if that pain is magnified even more.

However, now I have peace though in pain, hope though I am lonely, and love I am sure will never leave me. Reading Psalms 139 was my reminder this morning that God made me, He knows me better than anyone yet he wants to know me more. In verse 18 it says, “I awake, and I am still with you.”

Though we may be physically alone and our hearts hurt with loneliness we sleep and we wake and God is still with us. That should blow our minds, that his presence never leaves. He holds the very fabric of our being together and he is still there. I need to know that and be reminded of that often. When I am falling apart he holds me. He is still there.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 7 “A Year of Thoughts”: To Travel… ALONE

To travel is a glorious thing, to travel alone is to wish upon yourself insanity.


It’s been a long day traveling alone, there was one point where half way through Missouri I felt like I was going crazy. I started questioning everything in my life and talking to myself. I stopped to clear my mind and my bladder, and thats when I got a call from my friend Seth Bartel. He too was traveling, a different route but alone. So talking to him for an hour about life and everything else helped me feel a little less crazy.

I don’t remember praying for someone to call me but God knew that was exactly what I needed. I think that call was a great reminder to me about humanities need for human interaction. A smile from the guy at the gas station is hardly human interaction.

I use to count cows to keep from going insane while driving across Kansas yet, I never once saw a real cow (the one on the chick-flea sign doesn’t count). Needless to say, I finally made it back to school, drained, a little crazy, tired and stiff, but excited for this last semester and some human interaction.


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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