Tag Archives: Creative

SportsCenter hosted by God…

 “God Will write them by updates on ESPN online…” 

So this morning I was messing around with a facebook status generator that takes old facebook statues and meshes them together to make new ones. Interestingly enough one of the ones that came up on mine got me thinking. This line of “God Will write them by updates on ESPN online…” makes me think of how sometimes we read everything else but the words God has written to us. Sometimes as a guy I gravitate toward the ESPN updates that really have very little if anything to do with my life and I read them word for word as if there might be just maybe something in there for me to take away. However, when it comes to God’s word, the stuff that really does matter I skim it looking for the point to teach someone else and forget that maybe God wants to teach me something. Maybe God wants to get our attention and speak to us. I don’t think he is going to use ESPN to update us on how to love and live, but maybe thats the only way he can get our attention, which is sad. God is more important than sports and worthless competitions, but it takes intentionality to give him our attention enough to realize that he is writing and speaking to you and me. Just a thought for today and for the next time you get on ESPN to catch up on whats going on in the wide world of sports.


-Caleb Hunter


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Day 60 “A Year of Thoughts”: What If

What if the world really did need to know?

What if they really did need to know our life stories in memoir form so that they might learn from our joy’s and failures and be encouraged to live more open and honest lives. I hope the world does come to know the importance of story. To know their deepest needs and bloodiest wounds can be met and healed through countless life changing stories. For by telling our story, our whole story and nothing but the trust of our story despite the pain and open wounds the world might come to know the healing that we all so desperately need.

What if we took off our masks, spoke our insecurities as we turn them into confidence.

What if we know the world would end tomorrow would you want everyone to finally know who you are.

What if I told you all my lies and secrets to a world that would listen.

What if people could really see the things that have changed in my life over the past twenty-two years.

What if the ones who know me the best really knew my struggles.

What if I were Honest…

Then what if the world would follow.

What if a small honest life were all it took to change the mind of the world.

Wake up to What if?

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 57 “A Year of Thoughts”: This is Something

This is something isn’t it?

Life that is, the breathe, the air

We breathe don’t we every second

Yet no human taught us or told us

We just did in the moment we had lungs

We found our breathe and learned

As if God were telling us in the womb

One moment explained, next in the experience

This is something isn’t it?

Life that is, who we are and become

We hope don’t we, move forth

Into each moment slowly turned to memories

The air shaped and bent by the wind as we hold together

By the elements mined deep within our soul

For where ever we are or where ever we go

This is something isn’t it?

Life that is, calling us to live it.


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 56 “A Year of Thought”: Imagine this is something

Imagine This is something






full of potential














Moving, breathing,


 Everything that was and is you are creating….


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 55 “A Year of Though”: If a Son, If a Daughter

If I were to have a son I’d teach him such poetic verse

That when he speaks his words flow like the clouds

Their shape and form are created by imagination before education

His numbers mer markers for lines that run their course

For unbound by the world of standards free to be thus loud

In spirit full he will live life a legacy of quotations


If I were to have a daughter I’d read her such stories

That move her heart to be bold and brave yet sweet

Those things that shape her beauty from the inside to the out

Her own apart from the rest a simply elegant master piece

With each stroke of abstract art in the people that she may meet

Comes to persist in compassion her love they will not leave without


Such love in words and form and art they learn

Not from their father for my heart be torn

But from grace, life, and experience all their own

There they speak and seek a world unknown

Now clear to us by them and them alone.


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 38 “A Year of Thoughts”: A Day

Today went something like this…


Wake up

20 min Shower- It wakes me up most of the time

1 hr Bible Study- With my best friend

30 min Breakfast- Cinnamon rolls… Yummy!

50 min Nap- I was tired, okay?

1 short hr at Work- Took bolts out of a sign and talked to Jake

1 hr Chapel- Motivated by David Robinson, to give credit to God but do incredible great things

1 hr lunch- White gravy on the cafe food and salad

3 hrs at Work- Ripped up carpet, got a blister in the middle of my hand and hurt my back

50 min of Class- Took the band-aid off my blister and tried not to fall asleep, wasn’t that interested

40 min of Work- back to back breaking carpet ripping

20 min Shower- It felt good but didn’t last

1 hr Dinner- Chili in a bread bowl, “I don’t even like chili but the cake and conversations were good”

2 hr of IDK- homework and wasting time, not all that productive oops

1 1/2 hr Relaxing Playing Guitar- I needed that after a long day. Playing music is soothing

5 min Ate Peanut Butter- Yep bed time snack

30 min Reading and Writing this


After a near 15 1/2 hour day of being awake it’s time I sleep, for tomorrow will be another full day and this one has left me tired…


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 23 “A Year of Thoughts”: A Piece of Floss

I know that I am creative but I don’t always feel like I am…


A thin white line of dental floss lies in our dorm room floor…


The subtle sounds of my suit mates classical music has found it’s way to my ears…


The floss has been there for days yet I keep stepping over it as if it were going bit me…


My ears and classical music have hardly ever mixed company on any friendly terms…


The floss appears clean though I know it to be otherwise…


It always seems that when classical music and my ears meet a battle, any normal being might call a headache is triggered…


A small S-curve is formed by the floss but I still have little interest in dispossessing of it…


The battle in my head is as loud as World War Two ending in a bang….


It’s still their laying on the floor silent in it’s endless motions of doing nothing but being a piece of dental floss…


Bang, bang, my brain persists in an atomic echoing sound even after the classical music is long gone…


Perhaps to pick up this dental floss would calm my mind and allow me to sleep…


To sleep is to floss my mind of the pains it keeps.


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 22 “A Year of Thoughts”: You want others to be passionate but are You?

Some one asked me the other day about helping them brainstorm about how to make the college more passionate (for Christ that is). To be honest I was surprised they asked me from what little interaction that I have had with them, but I also haven’t really tried to figure out why they asked me. But since that moment of them asking, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about questions that might be raised as to why they want the campus to be more passionate and how that might happen, or what might change.


Why they want it? Whatever it is to happen comes from the core of the longing we have as a part of humanity to have real intimate, passionate community with others, in this case the longing for passionate community with other believers on campus.


I believe everyone can be passionate to an extent, but getting people to live that out is another thing. They have to be intentional about life, sometimes when people talk about living with passion or being passionate they are really talking about living life, living life to the fullest. It means being intentional on how you use your time, how you invest your energy into useful things, how you challenge yourself and how you live your life. Being passionate is finding ways to live your life to the fullest. That might mean turning off the draining time wasting video games or movies and spending quality time building relationships, or reading a book, or challenging yourself to be creative.


If you want to be passionate start looking for people that are passionate. What do they have? How are they intentional? How are they creative? What is holding you back from letting go of everything that keeps you from living life.


Find distance and space to grow.


This might be a challenge but if you really want to be passionate you have to be willing to be challenged.


They Go together.


Make a list…




But don’t settle for less


Even if that means challenge, change and a little creativity.



-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 21 “A Year in Thoughts”: A Creative Writing Journal


Learning: You never know when you might need to teach what you just learned.

One of the goals of my life is to be a life long learner, but to learn I must be challenged. Often to be challenged I have to do things a little different, to think outside the box, take risks, and most of all be creative. To think back over how I have learned and made it through my strange childhood I can point out the creativity that took place. From the many different tools and drills and colored cards, clothes pen drops, one eyed sunglasses and earplugs that supposedly helped me overcome the challenge of reading. To the heart breaks of being told my dreams wouldn’t happen to finding ways to prove the doubters wrong. Through the endless strike outs in little league to learning that my life is more than sports.

Learning, challenges, and creativity go together. Those three things are the foundation as for why I have a creative writing journal. When I write down my ideas, thoughts, poems, stories, daily activities, memories or anything else that passes from my mind and heart to the paper I am learning more about myself and my world. Learning is not learning unless learning is worth remembering. So as I learn I am saying it’s worth remembering because I am willing to turn that learning into written form to remember. I am willing to take the risk that what I am learning now will be important later on in life. This is also a challenge, no one is going to write these lessons and thoughts for me. I have to challenge myself to write, I have to challenge myself to take the time and put thoughts to the page. I will never be able to call myself a writer until I force myself to believe I am a writer. Keeping a journal is a challenge, keeping a creative writing journal even more so.

Much of my world today lives in fear of creativity, because often creativity means doing things differently. Creativity means making stuff up and finding your imagination again. But my challenge in writing is taking that creativity and turning it into reality. Turning that creativity into real life challenges that force us to learn.

I believe often the best creativity comes from the most honest core of who we are. The greatest poets speak from what they have seen in the world and from what they know in the deepest reaches of their soul. C.S. Lewis wrote creatively out of his deep faith and from the lessons he had learned and chose to challenge the thinking of his day. Some of my favorite authors have creatively written their memories and stories to challenge the readers to see their lives as a lesson to push and inspire the reader to face the challenge and live an incredible story.

Why do I have a creative writing journal? Because I want to learn, I want to be challenged, I want to use the gift of creativity in which I was given. I want to inspire change and growth. I want to challenge people to be challenged. I want to learn to know myself well enough that I can honestly help others tell their stories.


Why not?

Why would we as creative human beings not be creative?

When the creativity that we now have the potential to carry out may very well unlock the doors to a life so full and amazing that we could not see going back to anything less. Be challenged to learn, learning is hard, be challenged, be challenged to be creative, being creative isn’t easy, don’t make excuses, allow yourself to be challenged.

It’s taken me twenty-two years to fully appreciate some of the challenges that I have been through, but my challenges aren’t over, my challenges have just begun. Be challenged, be creative. As for me and my pen and paper, we will be challenged to learn to be creative. In my creativity I hope to learn to challenge you to do the same.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

P.S. While typing part of this I sat on a thesaurus because my back was hurting, creative? maybe?

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Day 19 “A Year of Thoughts”: Your Face Tells a Story

Today is Day 320 in my adventure of taking a picture a day for a whole year. Mathematically that means I’m 45 days away from completing my goal. For me this has been a great learning experience and more of a challenge then I thought it would be. There were somedays that just seem to beg for the camera to be taken out of the case and taken on some grand adventure to fins those things worth taking a picture while there were other days that taking a picture was an after thought once everything else the day had to hold had ran it’s course.

I learned to not get disappointed and not compare one day’s picture to another because each day was different. Each day had it’s challenge. Each day had it’s different sunsets and weather to case that sunset was my choice to make. Each day had it’s unexpected and it’s planned moments but when to take a picture was always different.


This has challenged my commitment level each day, even though taking a picture is a small commitment it has a lasting effect on me knowing that I can do something everyday for a whole year. Not just something like brush my teeth or take a shower, but something out of the ordinary, something that stretched my creativity and also challenged me to think more outside the box.


There were days I would think for hours about how I wanted to take a certain picture or catch an idea or message through a picture and then do it. There were days that I would create something to go in the picture and if it didn’t turn out the way I wanted I would create something else. (This happened a lot actually.) There were days were ideas came fast and quick. The pictures taken could be anywhere from on average 70 to 150 pictures on a good day or as low as 10. Taking a picture a day opened my eyes literally to a passion that I had dabbled in as a kid but hadn’t really considered pursuing until I took on this challenge.


There is just something about capturing a moment, or framing a day, or a place, a time, an idea, a message or just anything. For me these pictures have created memories for me. I can tell stories about most of the days from the last year because of these pictures. I like the challenge, I like to be challenged, especially when that challenge deals with being creative.


As a little part of this challenge to myself I wanted to explore a little more about myself and getting to know me for me. I know that sounds a little weird, but one of the questions that has come out of this past year in a number of ways is how can I be more honest with myself and others? So why not through pictures. Many of these picture have captured little parts of me, my passion, my heart, my thoughts, my feelings, emotions, travels, stories and life.


I have taken over 120 self portraits over the past year to help me understand me. To catch a moment and look back and try to think through what I was thinking through. The self portraits are not because I want attention on me, or need everyone to remember what I look like, no the self portraits tell me stories. As if my own face is telling me my story over the past year. I think I read somewhere or I’m making this up that a photographer can look at a picture and always see beyond it, in it and though it, they were in that moment so the story is there for them. The rest of the world my not understand the story but they get it. Now I get it…


One of the pictures that has come to mean a lot to me from the project 365 and is one of the self portraits is this picture I took while sitting in a bed up against the wall in a room that my friend David and I used as our teachers lounge while I was teaching at the International school in Carpina, Brazil. The picture was taken in the midst of my trying to stop crying because for two hours I had the worst homesickness of my entire twenty-two years of life. In that moment I had been telling God he had to carry me through the rest of my time in Brazil. I was tired and worn out and I had three months to go. In that moment I knew all my tears were not in vain, I realized how human I was, how much I needed God’s strength and how deeply I really wanted to learn how to love the students I was teaching. That for me was one of the defining moments in that trip.






Another portrait that I really like is this one where I’m looking through a magnifying glass. I remember finding the magnifying glass somewhere in the school after I had gotten done teaching for the day. But in the picture you can see parts of the sky behind it. I wasn’t planning on catching the sky but it happened. The picture is a reminder to me of how much I love to adventure and find new things, to find the unexpected and to look close at life. Life interests me more than any other subject. How we live each and every day of our lives must be examined, experienced, and sometimes looked at through a magnifying glass.





One of the cool self portraits that I took came when I discover my interest in lighting. With different lighting you can create different effects on the face or object. I don’t think I really thought about lighting until I started taking pictures each day. This one picture basically was just my face pressed as close to the light bulb as I could without touching it and seeing if I could get half my face to disappear. It took me a while but it worked. So I have the picture to remember.





There are obviously many different pictures that I have taken over the past year that are “self portraits” and each tells a story but to share them all would make for a really long blog post that even I might not want to read. However, the last one that I want to share is a picture that I titled “Justice” it’s a self portrait that I took in response to human trafficking and the sex trade. I feel strongly about these things and finding justice for those who cannot speak for themselves. To me the pictures says a lot with saying very little.


Through project 365 I have been able to learn a lot about my self and my world. I believe many people assume they know themselves and they assume they know the world around them but I challenge them to take a picture, to really be honest with themselves, to look deep into their own life. To take a real honest look at the world, did you know that there are human’s enslaved right here in the USA, did you know that most of our youth, the next Generation are broken and longing for healing, did you know that most people go through life without meaning or purpose, did you know that your face tells a story every single day.


You are telling a story… Remembering your story, understanding yourself honestly will help you tell that story.


Even when this project is over I hope to keep learning and being challenged to become a better photographer and help people tell their stories.


How will you live?


How will you tell your story?


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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