Tag Archives: doughnuts

Day 42 “A Year of Thoughts”: Hockey and a Doughnut Date

Eight rows up from the ice right behind the goalie makes for great seats to a hockey game. The seats are even better when you get to experience the game in a packed arena with your best friend. For a sorta valentines date my girl friend and I went to a hockey game. It was her first ever and she really enjoyed it.


After the game we got coffee and then drove around until we found a Krispy Kreme doughnuts, we bought three doughnuts. We ate the first two with some speed out of hunger but the last doughnut we decided to heat up. Since I don’t carry a microwave in my car the best option was to turn the defrost on and place the doughnut box in the dash.


It worked… well sorta worked… we ate the doughnut like ten minutes after putting it on the dash and it was warm…



Perhaps trying it longer for better results.


Days like today fill me with such joy and make memories that will last for a long time.


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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