Tag Archives: follow

Three Simple Words… Come Follow Me

Over the past few months I have been processing through the simple words that Jesus said to his disciples and the many people he encountered on a daily basis. The words “Come Follow Me”, three simple words that changed everything for a lot of people. Those same words I believe he is still saying to you and I today.


Last month I was down in Alabama on a short missions trip with some of the students from my youth group. We went to host a sports camp at the MOWA Choctaw Friends Center which is about 45 min from Mobile in an area that is at or below the poverty level. We taught a different sports everyday and got to know kids of all ages from the community. Many of these kids come from rough family situations and a couple of the kids I found out that their parents would send them out of the house in the morning and not let them back in until the end of the day, so they were on their own.


It’s hard to believe this is how people live here in America, but it’s real. I’ve seen and experienced poverty in Brazil, South America, but this was a lot closer to home. Seeing those kids and getting to teach them sports reminded me of how God broke my heart a few years ago to lead and love “The Next Generation”.


Despite their situations and circumstances these kids enjoyed life. If anything we gave them a week out of the summer where they can have a positive memory and a glimmer of hope through the gospel that was shared everyday. Those kids are the future of that community and just as the kids that I work with here in North Carolina are the future of this community.


While we were down there I was asked to speak to the students that had come and to the staff during our worship sessions every evening. The staff had called me and asked me to speak two weeks before we were to leave and even though I was really busy with vacation Bible school, I felt like God telling me to do it. I felt like at first that I was not going to be prepared to speak because I didn’t have the time I thought I needed to prepare, however, the closer it got to the trip God kept saying just speak from the heart, trust me.


So our theme for the week was “You before Me, Last before First, Jesus before Everything”. I tied that into the talks by looking at different encounters that Jesus had with people and how they lived out that theme. We first looked at the rich young ruler and how he thought he had it all together and was wondering if in the new heaven and earth he would be as rich as he was here. Jesus listed of the commandments as his response purposely leaving out the first two. The rich young ruler respond to Jesus by saying all of these I have kept since I was a child. Then those simple three words followed from Jesus mouth, “Come Follow Me”.


Yet, the rich young ruler walked away sad. He wanted to go to heaven, he wanted to keep all the rules, but he couldn’t follow Jesus.


Why? I think one of the main reasons why was because he would have to put Jesus first, he would have to stop worshiping himself, his riches and the power thought he had. The rich young ruler walked away because he did not want his life to change, he just wanted to guarantee a spot in heaven. He had put himself before God, I think thats why Jesus left out the first two commandments. The commandments of love the lord your God and have no other God’s before me.


I think sometimes as christians we can focus more on trying to guarantee heaven then we are about following Jesus. We lose track on putting Jesus first and we put ourselves and our possessions before God. Life was never meant to be lived for Heaven, life was meant to be lived for God.

One of the main points I made in my talks while in Alabama was that “I don’t want you to think that Jesus just came to save you from your sins, but that he came that you might live and show you how to live.”


When Jesus says “Come follow me”, he is saying come see how I live so that you might live, because Jesus lived out, you before me, last before first.


The second night in Alabama we looked at a little different encounter that Jesus had with some, this time it was with Levi the tax collector. He was rich but not a ruler, he might not have kept all the rules and wasn’t really liked by people. Tax collectors were some of the most hated people in Jesus time because Hared would appoint Jews to take taxes from the Jew for the Romans. The reasons they did this is because being a Jew, Levi would have known who had the money and what he could charge people. Tax collectors were not liked by their own people and were not to be trusted. The religious leaders would have considered them sinners and outcasts.


Yet, Jesus comes along to Levi’s tax collectors booth and says those simple three words “Come follow me”. The guy nobody liked, the guy the leaders cant stand, the guy that takes peoples money and cheats them to get rich, yeah that guy is the guy Jesus reaches out to and says come follow me. That guy is the guy that gets it right, then and there. He leaves he tax collectors booth and follows.


He could have ignored Jesus. He could have stayed there. Comfortable, rich and disliked, yet he didn’t, he knew that following Jesus would mean things would change and he followed. To me the tax collectors booth represents the selfishness that Levi was living out. He didn’t care really about his Jewish friends and neighbors, we worked for the enemy of the Jews and in all likelihood he cheated them all to get rich. His choosing to follow Jesus in that moment was the start of a long process of growth and learning about life from Jesus.


Jesus didn’t come along and ask him if he wanted to be saved, he didn’t point out all his sins, he just said come and follow. Jesus later went and partied with Levi and his friends. Jesus hung out with the sinners and the outcasts. Jesus did what the religious leaders would not. Jesus called Levi even when Levi was in a place where he was living for himself.


Levi got it, he put aside the one real thing that was keeping him from following Jesus. I challenged the students and staff down in Alabama to try to identify those things that are keeping us personally from following Jesus. To find those things that we are putting between us and God. Putting those things aside or leaving them behind may be hard, it may be uncomfortable, it may mean everything about us will change but with Jesus he will show us how to live and what life is really all about.


When I recommitted my life to Jesus six plus years ago now, I chose to start following, to leave behind my selfish tax collectors booth and learn how to follow. It hasn’t been easy and I haven’t always been the best follower, but it has changed me for the better, Jesus has changed me from the inside. Who I am is not who I was and following Jesus is a process of growth and renewal. Heaven will be nice but my life is not about heaven it’s about Jesus, living with and for him.



Jesus is still telling us those simple three words today “Come follow me”.


Recently I have been writing a song or poem of sorts about this idea. As you read this let it soak in that Jesus saved you so that he might show you how to live.


Come follow me he said

As we stood in disbelief,

Who is this man

Why would he want me

I have no place to lay my head

This is not my home,

These are not my mother and brothers

but I will call you my own

This is what he means

when he said “Come follow me”

 Sell all you have and

Give it to the poor

Trust me for I will

meet your needs


Can’t you see

Healing all around you

It’s doing something amazing

Inside of you


This is what he means

When he said “Come Follow me”


Simple words from a carpenters mouth

That turn the world upside down

Simple words that will change

the heart inside of me.


When Jesus says “Come follow me” think about what is holding you back? You don’t have to walk away sad. When we trust him he will lead us into life, life 

is waiting to be lived to the fullest. I will echo the words of my savor not because he has guaranteed heaven but because he has given me life

“Come Follow Jesus”.


May God bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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We Are Not Of Those Who Shrink Back…

But we are not those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved”

– Hebrews 10:39

In Jerusalem the crowds had gathered from all around the Roman Empire to celebrate passover, some had traveled for days or weeks before reaching the city walls. Some had come for religious reasons, some simply out of tradition and others just to see and partake in the excitement of being in such a place with so many other people or because they were told “Jews like to party”.


On Easter sunday the crowds will gather again much like they did two thousand years ago. There will be those who have traveled across the states, those who took extra vacation time just so they can be with family. They will file into church wearing the best of whatever they own, some come for what they consider religious reasons, others will come for the sake of an age old family tradition and still others come confused with how chocolate, baskets and bunnies have to do with the once a year church visit that is awkward, boring and often feels meaningless.

Back two thousand years ago, to those outside of the Jewish faith the passover was just a time when everyone ate nasty yeast-less bread and rehashed the story of how Moses led them out of Egypt. It carried little meaning to those who did not understand the significance of how God had led his people out of slavery and toward the promise land. I imagine the routine of the passover became mundane and faded to just something families did every year. It lost it’s meaning even though the story was told. Even in my own life I have been guilty of showing up on Easter morning bored and uninterested. There are times I’ve felt offended by the fact that people are more fake about their faith on Easter and Christmas than any other time of the year. It’s as if they do not choose to believe any other time.

Following Jesus is not a once a year thing.

In the crowds of people that had gathered in Jerusalem for the passover there were those who had come because they believed this was the time that Jesus was going to rise up as their fearless leader and over throw the Romans. There were those who had followed him simply because he healed them or satisfied their hunger. There were those who followed just for the excitement of the crowds that seemed to be amazed by him. But there were a few who really believed that Jesus was the Messiah, the savior of his people. Not a savior over Roman oppression but a savior over sin, guilt, shame and separation from God.

For those few who really truly believed they were going to quickly learn that following Jesus was not going to be a once a year thing, it was not going to be an easy thing and it was not always going to be that exciting either. When Jesus was arrested the people that were following Jesus seemed to shrink. There were those who had shouted “Hosanna in the highest” when he had entered the city but found themselves screaming “Crucify Him” by the end of the week. There were those who wanted to follow Jesus when it seemed safe, comfortable and the popular thing to do, but when things changed they were quick to shrink back and run away.


People are no different today as they were two thousand years ago. There are still those who only follow Jesus because he healed them or satisfied their hunger, there are those who think the crowds that gather on Christmas and Easter are exciting, and those who come once a year because they respect anyone who does something to cause a holiday.

But who are we.

Who are we in this story. I love how the writer of Hebrews speaks of the supremacy of Christ and assures his reader that Jesus is the son of God. He reminds them of why Jesus came to live and died and rose again. Then he goes on to speak of those few that continued to believe in Jesus after many had given up…

Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions. So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised… But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.”

  • Hebrews 10:32-36,39


After Jesus death and resurrection it was still not easy to follow Jesus. There was no once a year follower of Jesus. It was either all in or all out. The risk was high and the cost was at times your own life, yet there were those who did not shrink back. When Jesus was crucified there were many who just gave up, they shrunk back, he did not do what they thought he was going to do so they gave up on him. I believe there are those who think they are following Jesus, but know nothing about him and there are those who as they get to know him and everything he did they choose to leave him, but we do not have to be those people.

We have a choice to follow Jesus everyday, learn more about him not for the sake of knowing facts, but for a relationship with him.

The early followers of Jesus did not always know what they were going to be getting into or what God was calling them to do, however, they made a choice to follow any way. Following Jesus is a learning process. It takes time, we have no need to shrink back or throw away our confidence. For those who believe we have ten thousand reasons to tell the world about Jesus. There will always be those who only come to church on Easter or Christmas, but there is no reason that that should be the only time all year that they hear or see Jesus.


We are not of those who shrink back from carrying the good news to the world. The good news of love and hope. The world two thousand years ago was in desperate need of hope and an example of love. Jesus calls us to carry that same message to our world that is longing for some hope and is often confused about love. We need to remind those who believe that we are not of those who shrink back.


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 60 “A Year of Thoughts”: What If

What if the world really did need to know?

What if they really did need to know our life stories in memoir form so that they might learn from our joy’s and failures and be encouraged to live more open and honest lives. I hope the world does come to know the importance of story. To know their deepest needs and bloodiest wounds can be met and healed through countless life changing stories. For by telling our story, our whole story and nothing but the trust of our story despite the pain and open wounds the world might come to know the healing that we all so desperately need.

What if we took off our masks, spoke our insecurities as we turn them into confidence.

What if we know the world would end tomorrow would you want everyone to finally know who you are.

What if I told you all my lies and secrets to a world that would listen.

What if people could really see the things that have changed in my life over the past twenty-two years.

What if the ones who know me the best really knew my struggles.

What if I were Honest…

Then what if the world would follow.

What if a small honest life were all it took to change the mind of the world.

Wake up to What if?

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 44 “A Year of Thoughts”: Angry? Joy is Also There

The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.

He makes me lie down in green pastures,

he leads me beside quiet waters,

he refreshes my soul.

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the darkest valley,

I will fear no evil,for you are with me;

your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.

You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.

Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,

and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.

Psalms 23 (NIV)

Every time I read this each line speaks to me. The picture that David has painted here is beautiful and refreshing but often times I forget that God has restored my soul. I use to be an angry kid and found myself battling depression from time to time. Sometimes when I didn’t know how to communicate my feelings as a kid I would just cry, I’d cry myself to sleep, I’d cry when I was angry or sad. But as I’ve slowly learned to allow God to lead me to the place where I am not in want, the place where I can lie down and find rest in him, there he has restored my joy, my soul, my life.

Angry? There is still Joy.

Joy is always there, we have to receive it, allow God to lead us, let go of our anger and lie down in green pastures. God pursues us because he loves us, he can breathe life back into your soul.

Love will follow you.

Each day we have a choice to dwell in the presence of the Lord our God. To accept his love and forgiveness. To live a life full of him. Full of the joy only he can give. There is also JOY…

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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