Tag Archives: insane

Day 7 “A Year of Thoughts”: To Travel… ALONE

To travel is a glorious thing, to travel alone is to wish upon yourself insanity.


It’s been a long day traveling alone, there was one point where half way through Missouri I felt like I was going crazy. I started questioning everything in my life and talking to myself. I stopped to clear my mind and my bladder, and thats when I got a call from my friend Seth Bartel. He too was traveling, a different route but alone. So talking to him for an hour about life and everything else helped me feel a little less crazy.

I don’t remember praying for someone to call me but God knew that was exactly what I needed. I think that call was a great reminder to me about humanities need for human interaction. A smile from the guy at the gas station is hardly human interaction.

I use to count cows to keep from going insane while driving across Kansas yet, I never once saw a real cow (the one on the chick-flea sign doesn’t count). Needless to say, I finally made it back to school, drained, a little crazy, tired and stiff, but excited for this last semester and some human interaction.


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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