Tag Archives: Moving on

Day 6 “A Year of Thoughts”: Packing up and Moving on

This place I once saw as home is fading from being my home. As I have spent the day packing to move back out to Kansas for my last semester of college I’ve looked around to the many things that I have hung on my wall and decorated what use to be my room. Now it’s just going to be a room of books and a study for my dad… It’s been good to grow up here in Indiana but I feel like I have moved on while it has just sat here.


It’s a long drive back out to Kansas but I’m looking forward to what this year has in-store. Last year at this time I was heading to Brazil, South America for an adventure in learning how to teach for six month. But Brazil was only sorta home. For me home is where my heart is, where I can pour out life to the fullest, I can love people more… Home is with some very special people or person… Home is no longer this house or room that I lived in.


I’m moving on and this house and much of the community will stay the same… I though have packed up and am adventuring on.


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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