Tag Archives: New year

Introduction to: “A Year of Thoughts”

“A Year Of Thoughts” will consist of a few of my thoughts for each day of this year that we have just began. It is collaboration of my goals to expand my creativity and my deep desire to write a few books in my life time, that really is the reason for starting this now. With these goals in mind I am setting out on a journey, an adventure and take the challenge to see this year through my writing. This “A Year of Thoughts” I hope it will be a way of sharing my experiences of this year with others.

I do not yet know what the topics or style that I will be writing each post but as an exploration I may write about the same topic over a few days or weeks. I may write stories, or poems, or just give a word picture of the day. Sometimes these may be about my day and sometimes I may just be about something that I am thinking about this day. If I were to know all the things I was to write about this would be far less appealing and exciting for me. I find writing to be something that has to flow out of the mind, heart, soul and experience of life. There may be times where my writing may come across as raw, unrefined, honest and hard to read but my hope is that these would be the thoughts that are most needed to be shared with those who care to read them. Though this is very public I hope to be able to look back on next january first and find 366 posts that capture this year in thoughts.

As a reader I hope that you take time to find something that challenges you. I wouldn’t even require myself to read every single post until the year is over, however, let even just the idea of writing a little each day challenge you to do something. Life is best lived fully alive. Writing is part of life for me, find what is part of who you are and pursue that, chase your dreams, through off the doubt and fear, be honest, be vulnerable, but most of all be who you are made to be. If you don’t know who you are or even if you do think you know who you are take a deep look into your thoughts and find something you have never known before or hadn’t thought about in awhile.



Life is a learning experience so never stop learning.





Here we Go…


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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