Tag Archives: notes

Day 36 “A Year of Thoughts”: Notes on Walking Faith

A common place and path…

He was walking and talking with God…

Walk out of ungodliness into holiness….

God gives you every moment to find worship…God lives outside of time…

What is it like with all the fear we have, when we walk through life knowing death has lost it’s sting…

To walk is more than knowing, it’s going with them…
Live life with God….

Life span…
Let the relationship rub off on you…

There is hope…

I know over the past week I’ve had a few posts about taking walks and living faith. So today I wanted to share a few of my notes from the sermon today over Hebrews 11:5-6 which covers the story of Enoch and how he walked with God.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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