Tag Archives: Poetry

Day 57 “A Year of Thoughts”: This is Something

This is something isn’t it?

Life that is, the breathe, the air

We breathe don’t we every second

Yet no human taught us or told us

We just did in the moment we had lungs

We found our breathe and learned

As if God were telling us in the womb

One moment explained, next in the experience

This is something isn’t it?

Life that is, who we are and become

We hope don’t we, move forth

Into each moment slowly turned to memories

The air shaped and bent by the wind as we hold together

By the elements mined deep within our soul

For where ever we are or where ever we go

This is something isn’t it?

Life that is, calling us to live it.


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 17 “A Year of Thoughts”: An Almost Forgotten Piano Lesson

An Almost Forgotten Piano Lesson


I’d almost forgotten those symbols and lines


That for years guided sounds from my mind


Through my bloodstream and heart to the keys


Those hammers and strings like simple poetry


Spoken soft and sweet to delicate baby ears


And retelling folklore to the men here to old


To hear the noise of crash, chords and melody


    It almost seems as though centuries of rust


Scraped off my boney hands for jazz lines


Swinging through my refreshed musical mind.



-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 11 “A Year Of Thoughts”: That’s When We Were The Young

That’s When We Were The Youth

Over a sunset that set to soon

The green grows like the hills

For which we climbed then,

That’s when it was our youth


Those days we wondered in timeless masses out to play


To play was the name of it

That thing we did to pass the day

It was slow much slower then,

That’s when we were the youth


Feathers in our hair and speaking in our native tongue


To take to dreaming riding west

The horses flew across the yard

Always chasing the smallest one

That’s when milk made giant youth


Our mothers told us to grow strong so by and by we did


To this we write now as past

Though on we grow like children

For we still climb, play, chase the day

That’s when we find time for it


The time we never had as youth has found us, bound us, caught us somehow.


-Caleb Ross Hunter

A little reflection of growing old and moving past our childhood in poem form. Sometimes I think as youth we had a much better grasp on how fun life really is but as we grow older that fun gets sucked out of us by the ever faster moving time. The picture is of a piece of art that I painted and painted over again and this is actually of the middle stage of the piece. The original piece was a sunset, then I over laid that with two different greens and finally placed a feather on top of that. The final result of the piece is a curved canvas that allows for the feather to stand out off the canvas while being held on by a smearing of blue paint. As a child my imagination would run like crazy and there was always a story everyday to fill the time. Now my mind and imagination still run but i have to find the time for it. Find the time to stop and imagine, create, and remember.  That’s when we were the youth.

P.s. The milk reference is true, my mother would say drink milk it will make you strong however, I was allergic to dairy as a kid and when i out grew that I became lactose intolerant because i couldn’t drink it as a kid, somehow even without that much milk I still grew, I wouldn’t say strong but I grew.

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Day 1 “A Year Of Thought” : Wind Swept By Love


Wind Swept

I am a no body

From an unknown state

Anything but myself


This wind swept love

Keeps telling me

I can’t stay the same

You’re somebody who’s got to love


This wind swept love

Found me with you

From the broken to healing

All that we need to be in love


It’s all our own,

It’s all our own,

Give it like the wind

Feel it as we go


-Caleb Ross Hunter



A thought that has been flouting through my mind the past few months comes in the form of a simple sentence “Love like the wind”, but what does that mean.


I feel it’s effect,

I can see it’s effect,

I can sense the change that comes with it’s effect,

But I can never fully capture it, it’s powerful and real.


Love like the wind, can’t really be stopped when it’s starts blowing, it can be calmed but the potential is always there. If we are loving like the wind we have to be someone, we have to be ourselves, but we always have the option to be moving, growing, and letting love have an effect on us. Right now I am wind swept. I’m wind swept by God’s crazy love that overwhelms me everyday. I can feel it changing me, I can see it moving me, but I can’t fully capture it but it’s there it’s real.

I am also wind swept by the awesome love from the people around me. Like a cool breeze or warm summer wind love is blowing and bringing joy out of the depth of my heart. I want to find ways to love like the wind everyday. Ways for people to feel it, to see it and be changed by it. I want to live it.






-Caleb Ross Hunter  

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Mass Society (Broken Prose)

Mindless masses revolt as they reflect human change the canvas of inspired striving on earth for betterment of souls by society.

The great idea of community could exist had everyone felt like it.

The public increase of thought and freedom apparently does go on.

Society now human will be unhappy in life about material betterment.

People deny that they are alone.

The universal western picture leaves that mass in specialized competitive status-hungry privacy.

Friends rather of norms and standards controls a single group.

Put movement to light…

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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To sit in a tree and drink some tea

There are sometimes in life where the moments just seem to be filled with poetry. With each step and word formed through the making of the moments. The things we take in through our colored eyes or anxious open ears. The moments just seem to almost pop with brilliance and vigor. The moments that mean the most to me are those like the notes of Jazz improvisation that are on edge to the ear and for a split second you might think they don’t really fit, but they do, for sure they do.

Last friday, which would have been Dec 16th, 2011, was one of those days that presented one of those moments. It was the last day of finals before christmas break and when I woke up that morning I knew that this would be the last day that I would see my best friend (who also happens to be my girlfriend) for three weeks, so needless to say I wasn’t all that excited for the day. I took my last final at 10 am and it really wasn’t that hard of a final considering I studied a grand total of 3 hours for it. There was only one question that I really just made up an answer for. I’ve discovered that I have a hard time worrying about things especially little things like tests. If I know the information I will do well and if I don’t well at least I know I won’t fail. I’ve never really failed a test so I’ve never really needed to worry.

Why worry? Christmas break is a whole three weeks long but I haven’t really worried about the drive home or back to school or what I’m going to do over break. But I knew waking up that friday morning that it was going to be hard being away from my best friend so I had planned to spend the time after my test and up until she was to leave that afternoon with her. I wanted to allow the poetry of the moments carry us into break… but I got a surprise… A GOOD surprise.

My friend had read my bucket list about how I wanted to sit in a tree with my best friend and drink tea, like a tea party in the tree. So as a surprise she brought out a travel mug of chai tea for our adventure. We walked down the old dirt road on the edge of town. The road leads by a field on one side and a patch of trees on the other. There was little to no whispering breeze, which was odd for a kansas winter day. The naked trees seemed content and stiff, though inviting like blank faced totem poles waiting to tell a story. To the end of the rows of tress we walked talking the whole time of life and the plans for break. There at the end of the row is a tree that we have sat in before when the weather had been much warmer. On the left side of the tree a large branch reaches out enough that both of us can sit rather comfortable… there in that moment in that place the poetry of life painted itself in vivid colors and without a worry in the world. Moments like that are remembered for a long time. The elements of that moment may have been created or brought or brewed in a coffee cup but the moment itself is made real by those who are in it.

There is no better way that I would have liked to spend the first afternoon of christmas break than to sit in a tree and drink tea with my best friend. Perhaps moments like these full of poetry are waiting for you to find them, make them, create them, brew them, but don’t forget to be in them. Moments are best remembered for being present in them. For #19 to be checked off my bucket list I had to be present in that moment and take it all in.

Wake up! The day maybe full of moments that you weren’t expecting! Be in them!

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Please Forgive Me

Like abc will you forgive me

For all the times I fail to create

Lost in fearless bent lines of Frankie Laine

A broken record, burnt holes in plastic hearts

Please forgive me, the waisted potential

For now what lies ahead is new, all new

As we make it, create it, molded from the old

Free me, free me from the fear within.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Love Holds Humanity





Holds Humanity

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Fly Free

From dark corners injustice persists
Like fallen wings of flightless feathers
Young oppressed, misused and broken
We find them in our mess we created
Ashamed for not doing so much more
For not opening our eyes to worldly lies
This is not beyond repair and redemption
You shall I promise be made to fly free
For justice carries you forth on it’s wings.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Love, when the world asks, Why?

Love, When the world asks, Why?

The world will look at us
With their questioning eyes
They will be moved to speak
And they ask us why?

Why such joy?
Why such peace?
Why? Why? Why?

The world will always say
Isn’t this a hopeless place?
Aren’t these war torn hearts?
And they ask us why?

Love shall be our response.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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