Tag Archives: Reminder

SportsCenter hosted by God…

 “God Will write them by updates on ESPN online…” 

So this morning I was messing around with a facebook status generator that takes old facebook statues and meshes them together to make new ones. Interestingly enough one of the ones that came up on mine got me thinking. This line of “God Will write them by updates on ESPN online…” makes me think of how sometimes we read everything else but the words God has written to us. Sometimes as a guy I gravitate toward the ESPN updates that really have very little if anything to do with my life and I read them word for word as if there might be just maybe something in there for me to take away. However, when it comes to God’s word, the stuff that really does matter I skim it looking for the point to teach someone else and forget that maybe God wants to teach me something. Maybe God wants to get our attention and speak to us. I don’t think he is going to use ESPN to update us on how to love and live, but maybe thats the only way he can get our attention, which is sad. God is more important than sports and worthless competitions, but it takes intentionality to give him our attention enough to realize that he is writing and speaking to you and me. Just a thought for today and for the next time you get on ESPN to catch up on whats going on in the wide world of sports.


-Caleb Hunter


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“I Can’t Forget God’s Love Endures”





Read Psalms 136


Over the course of this week I have had such a mix of emotions, the ups and downs of my emotions have effected my thinking and my actions. There are moments I am excited for the future, the unknown, the risk, the challenge and the lessons to be learned, however in the next moment I can turn to being lonely, depressed and overwhelmed and even scared at times. It has not made for an easy or enjoyable week.

To help clear my mind and relax a little my girlfriend suggested I drink some hot tea and read Psalms 136. At first I didn’t believe that was going to help and just found Psalms 136 to be really repetitive. After reading through a few times I closed the Bible and prayed God would remind me of the fact that his love does endure… Forever.

I was reminded how in high school I use to light candles in the bathroom and take my guitar and sit in the bathtub and sing when I was feeling really sad, so I lit the two candles, turned out the lights and grabbed my guitar. I played and sang through the chores of “Awesome God” and just felt annoyed by the insincerity in my voice. So I sat there praying, me my guitar and two candles in the middle of the floor. As I was praying and just trying to be honest with God about how I have been feeling I just said what my soul seems to be saying

“I have long since forgot why I am here,

I have long since forgot why I should care,

Yet He never seems to give up on me

Yet He never seems to give up on us

This scared soul of mine can’t find a reason to forget

His love endures more then I seem to care

His love endures through the hell I put us through

His love endures so I can’t forget

I can’t forget His love endures.”


Simply put, “I Can’t forget God’s Love endures” for as soon as I forget, I am overwhelmed by my thoughts and insecurities, the things that are outside of my control and often lead me to a place of paralyzing sadness, yet I don’t have to remain in the hell my mind creates, yes, my soul may be scared and fearful but God says do not be afraid, read Psalms 136 repeats over and over that God’s love endures forever, he never seems to give up on us because he never forgets about us. That is what I must not forget, not here, not now, not ever. I must remember no matter how I am feeling His love endures.


-Caleb Hunter



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Awake and I Am Still With You

“How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you.”– Psalms 139:17-18 (ESV)

Are not God’s thoughts far greater than our own? Are not his ways better than our own?

As I awoke this morning with a pounding migraine, I felt frustrated and alone, I found tears damed up in my tear ducks and ready

to overflow like the flooding of Jamestown, Ohio, but they came slowly, quietly like a refreshing mountain stream flowing from the cool cold rocks. I tried to forget my loneliness and pain in sleep only to wake minutes later to what sounded like a canon going of

in my head. Migraines are one of the most annoying inconveniences in life and only slightly worse is the empty nulling of loneliness.

In the garden of Eden God said, “It is not good for man to be alone”… I wonder if Adam woke with tears and migraines before Eve came along. I am sure Adam felt pain, I hate waking up alone and when I have someone to miss it is as if that pain is magnified even more.

However, now I have peace though in pain, hope though I am lonely, and love I am sure will never leave me. Reading Psalms 139 was my reminder this morning that God made me, He knows me better than anyone yet he wants to know me more. In verse 18 it says, “I awake, and I am still with you.”

Though we may be physically alone and our hearts hurt with loneliness we sleep and we wake and God is still with us. That should blow our minds, that his presence never leaves. He holds the very fabric of our being together and he is still there. I need to know that and be reminded of that often. When I am falling apart he holds me. He is still there.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 52 “A Year of Thoughts”: Our God is Greater

To often I forget that my God is greater than all my worries, fears and all that is overwhelming me. I fail to remember that God is greater than any feelings, situations, circumstances and that which is troubling my soul.

When I am able to place God as the ultimate authority in my life then he is able to use me, transform me and move me where I need to be. To daily remember that God is greater and that he is the one I need the most in my life must be my goal. He is writing a story where the main characters are you and I and Him but we must not remove him.


Live each day truly knowing and Believing God is Greater.

This is easier said then done.

It will be lived though we try to forget God

He doesn’t forget us.

Our God has given us life.

Be Joyous!


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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