Tag Archives: share

Tell a Story, Live the Story

Every time that I read a story or watch a movie I can’t help but feel that I am a part of the story. As if in someway I have a connection to the imagination of the author. I know that is an insane thought however, isn’t that how we should live our lives. If our life is a story or a small chapter in the larger picture of the novel shouldn’t we have some connection to the author.

God is not only our creator but the author of life, We have the opportunity to turn the page each day on new lines he is writing in his story. Lived out in and through us.

Somedays I honestly struggle with the motivation to live and to write and tell “MY STORY”, however, when I step back and realize the story is already being written and I am a character with curtain experiences and adventures that still and always will point back to my author, then i find motivation to pen words that tell of Him rather than ME.

If I am to write, create, paint,speak or live, for that matter, for me than I will never be motivated, never fulfill my potential or ever really matter, however luckily life is not about ME. When life is about me I get lonely, unmotivated to do anything and nothing really makes any sense. But GOD has set out to transform my mind and heart and has placed his story upon my soul.

Humanity is God’s story being lived out full of individual characters and sub plots yet the over arching theme remains. The theme

of humanities struggle for meaning and purpose. A struggle that leaves us lost if we rely on ourselves, confused by the pain we

cause each other in our attempts to edit the story, yet hope though sadly found by the few, those who choose simply to walk out the story and plot God laid before them.

So what is my story that God is asking me to live?

What is that one thing you know that you were meant for?

Doesn’t have to be complex of world changing but it does have to be what God has made for you to live.

I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt God has asked me to tell stories, to live a story, and to share his story with the world. I was created with my potential in the mind of God, my potential has always lay in him and he is my motivation.

As long as God is still writing my story I will keep living.

Think about this…

Perhaps we were all born to do the same thing, to tell God’s story, to live what he has written, yet the way we tell it is in our own unique way.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 50 “A Year of Thought”: Places and People

Places become important because of the people we share them with”

Do you know those places that hold special meaning for you? A place where great memories were formed and you can always seem to see that place even when your far away from it? One of those places for me is a tent outside the dinning hall, the fall of my sophomore year of high school, I recommitted my life to Christ and shared that moment with one of my best friends Luke Russell, that night at camp. That moment is a memory tattooed in my mind and I was able to share it.

In front of my parents house there is a flower bed where there use to be bushes but thanks to Luke and I’s discovery of a tunnel under the bushes they had to be taken out from our jumping in them to many times. Another shared moment for Luke and I, though we got in trouble it’s a memory all the same. Every time I think of that place I think of our adventures as kids. That place though now a small flower bed holds such meaning for me.

Today at church Pastor Stephen Wing talked about how Jesus shared his transfiguration with his disciples, his friends. It wasn’t just the moment at the top of the mountain but more of the long hard climb up the mountain that would enable Peter to remember this moment for years to come. The hard climb up the scruffy unkept mountain side. This is often life for us, a long hard climb up a mountain but sometimes we get to the top to see the transfiguration. Those awesome moments and we forget what we went through to get there.

Peter saying in Matthew 17 “it’s good for us to be here”, it’s good for us to not only share the mountain top experience but also the climb. Though it’s hard it’s worth sharing. Though life is hard it’s worth sharing. When life is shared with others thats when it has meaning.

Who do we shard these places with?

Who do we share this place with?

When we live life with others life has meaning. For those who never understand this place will become meaningless because they haven’t shared it with anyone. When we share life an ordinary scruffy place becomes holy and full of meaning.

The path we climb may wear us out but it’s not about the path, it’s about who we follow and who we share it with. Share life.

When we look back we remember we were there and we shared those moments. There are a number of places that hold a lot of meaning for me right now and are forming memories, like a dirt road outside of town, a bon fire, a path in the park, a picture we painted that hangs on my wall, and Amarillo, Texas. Just an ordinary kind of scruffy places and things but all of them and so much more that I share with my best friend Megan. Those all hold meaning because of who I share them with. They are memories because they can be shared.

Who are you sharing your life with?

Your Climb? Your Story?

I was introduced as the Youth Director at the Pratt Presbyterian Church today and am walking, hiking, climbing a new mountain with them and experience and a journey that I get to have and share with them. I was warmly invited in as if I were a part of their family. I know the place I share with them will be full of meaning.

-Caleb Ross Hunter


P.S. Sorry for the delay on updating the blog. I have not missed a day but have not been able to move the writings from my journal to the blog, but slowly and surely I will have them for you to read. God Bless.

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Day 39 “A Year of Thoughts”: Two Souls Become One


Two Souls Become One”

What does that mean? In men’s group tonight this was something that was mentioned in the book that we are reading. When two become one, the topic of our discussion was on marriage, (I’m not married yet but hope to be eventually), but when two become one is more than just physical or flesh, it’s in the soul.

When I think of this I think of those elderly couples that know each other so well and they serve each other and their world with passion. The passion of one bleeds into the passions of the other, their callings are woven together, their interests complement and often over lap. It’s life shared, the joys, the tears, the concerns, the wants and needs, and the spirit. They move and breathe together. They know themselves so well, and they know each other so well that life has this flow and fusion to it. As their souls become one the world sees they are special and made to be together.

What I am learning about marriage and relationships is that they are deeper than emotions, attractions, physical touch, and love words, bills, housing, and weddings. There is a deeper connection to the soul. That life is more, love is real, God’s love for us in dieing on the cross is an example of the love that should be in marriage, as we die to ourselves we are alive in Christ and more able to see and love soul to soul. Deeper relationships, Deeper understanding, Deeper life.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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