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Box a Rocks

You know how life is often like a box a rocks… there are a few that might be worth something and many that are just good enough to throw in that little drive between your drive and your neighbors.You may have to search and dig to find those ones that are really worth something and sometimes it’s not until after you have spilled engine oil and grass clippings on them that you realize their value. I say all this to explain that though I have kept a journal often I have to say not all of those days are worth sharing not to say they don’t have a purpose just like the rocks in the drive have a purpose, however, Instead of posting everything I am going to try to search through my journals and post those stories that really have some meaning. Hopefully, I will be able to post one each week (the whole posting one a day really didn’t work for me. So will all of that said I hope to have more up latter this week. Thank you for all those who read this blog even on the days that it’s simply useless rocks.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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