Tag Archives: Wind

Day 30 “A Year of Thoughts”: Take a Walk

“Enoch walked with God; then he was no more because God took him away.” – Genesis 5:24

“Before he was taken, he was commend as one who pleased God. And without faith it is impossible to please God’ because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” – Hebrews 11:5-6

On many nice sunny days and warm evenings I really enjoy taking walks through town and down the country roads. But those walks are best when I can share them with someone else. My best friend and I like to get out of town and walk through the fields.

The wind whistling in every direction, the tall dried grass clapping as if a parade were in line, the clouds making shapes like dragons or horses in the sky and the sun slowly setting to the west. The walk is full of adventure, excitement, long conversations and meaningful silence. The birds catch our eyes as they float and turn like synchronized areal swimmers. Our shoes kick up the dirt with each step we take.

Sometimes when we walk we don’t have a certain place to we have to go or anywhere to be. We are simply taking the time to walk together, to experience the day together, to get away and see that there is to see. On those walks we learn a lot about each other, we learn how ti slowdown, to skip together, to run, to sit, to stand and to pause to take in each moment like it might be our very last.

It’s walks like this with my best friend that I picture Enoch walking with God. As if they are best friends experiencing each step together. Seeing the world, God created, together. Each step of theit walk more intimate, God learning how Enoch sees the world and Enoch experiencing little by little the presence of God. A walk hardly a walk without a little conversation, the ones with Enoch and God are long and meaningful but not without pauses and silence that carry just as much meaning.

Enoch lived his faith, he walked with

God, he didn’t just practice the presence of God he got to experience it.

I long for me life to be like Enoch’s. For my faith to move me to daily walk with God, daily grow to know his presence more, to learn him, to be intimate with him, to hear and listen and have long conversations.

The story of Enoch is one of hope. Hope that through the weariness of our souls longing to walk with God, that God is already walking with us. Sometimes we have to wake up, open our eyes and see that God is right there, Maybe you should take a walk, get out of town and talk to God, he’s right there.

-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 1 “A Year Of Thought” : Wind Swept By Love


Wind Swept

I am a no body

From an unknown state

Anything but myself


This wind swept love

Keeps telling me

I can’t stay the same

You’re somebody who’s got to love


This wind swept love

Found me with you

From the broken to healing

All that we need to be in love


It’s all our own,

It’s all our own,

Give it like the wind

Feel it as we go


-Caleb Ross Hunter



A thought that has been flouting through my mind the past few months comes in the form of a simple sentence “Love like the wind”, but what does that mean.


I feel it’s effect,

I can see it’s effect,

I can sense the change that comes with it’s effect,

But I can never fully capture it, it’s powerful and real.


Love like the wind, can’t really be stopped when it’s starts blowing, it can be calmed but the potential is always there. If we are loving like the wind we have to be someone, we have to be ourselves, but we always have the option to be moving, growing, and letting love have an effect on us. Right now I am wind swept. I’m wind swept by God’s crazy love that overwhelms me everyday. I can feel it changing me, I can see it moving me, but I can’t fully capture it but it’s there it’s real.

I am also wind swept by the awesome love from the people around me. Like a cool breeze or warm summer wind love is blowing and bringing joy out of the depth of my heart. I want to find ways to love like the wind everyday. Ways for people to feel it, to see it and be changed by it. I want to live it.






-Caleb Ross Hunter  

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Are There Trees On the Sun

If there are trees upon the sun
I’d climb them with you
Tell you all that I see
Even though it hurts to stare
I’d do it all the same

Are there trees on the sun?
Are there Trees on the sun?

I can almost feel the wind rustle through
The leaves as I climb with you
Tell you all that I see
Bursting heat from my heart
I’d love you all the same.

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