Tag Archives: worry

Day 52 “A Year of Thoughts”: Our God is Greater

To often I forget that my God is greater than all my worries, fears and all that is overwhelming me. I fail to remember that God is greater than any feelings, situations, circumstances and that which is troubling my soul.

When I am able to place God as the ultimate authority in my life then he is able to use me, transform me and move me where I need to be. To daily remember that God is greater and that he is the one I need the most in my life must be my goal. He is writing a story where the main characters are you and I and Him but we must not remove him.


Live each day truly knowing and Believing God is Greater.

This is easier said then done.

It will be lived though we try to forget God

He doesn’t forget us.

Our God has given us life.

Be Joyous!


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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Day 51 “A Year Of Thoughts”: Worry, Why Worry?

Jesus words in Luke of how we cannot even add a single hour to our day is followed by Jesus statement “Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?”.

Why Worry?

I found myself stressed and worrying today but when I expressed that to my roommate he pointed out that the chapel message last week was over this passage in Luke.

Why I worry?

Because often I lack the trust and confidence I really need but when that fades I find that God can be trusted more than I believe and his confidence and plan for my life is far greater than my own.

Why Worry?

I have no need to worry, for God has taken my heart and kept it beating, taken my voice and gave it a song to sing, breathed into my soul to make it sour and he provided my every need to this point so I trust that he will everyday forward.

Why Worry?

God holds the whole world and still loves you. He’s writing your story. Allow God to lead you, feed you and clothe you. Worry wont give you any of that. I resolve to express my worries to the Lord and trust he will provide.


Read Luke 12:22-34


-Caleb Ross Hunter

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